June 2017

Volume 32 Number 6

[Internet of Things]

Use Azure IoT Suite to Boost IoT Development

By Dawid Borycki

An Internet of Things (IoT) solution comprises remote telemetry devices, a Web portal, cloud storage and real-time processing. Such a complex structure can make you reluctant to start IoT development. To make things easier, the Microsoft Azure IoT Suite provides two preconfigured solutions: remote monitoring and predictive maintenance. Here, I’ll tell you how to create a remote monitoring solution, which will collect and analyze data from a remote IoT device controlled by Windows 10 IoT Core. This device, the Raspberry Pi, will acquire images from a USB camera. Subsequently, the image brightness will be calculated on the IoT device and then streamed to the cloud, where it will be stored, processed and displayed (see Figure 1). Furthermore, the end user will not only be able to see the information acquired with the remote device, but also remotely control that device. You can find the complete source code supporting this discussion at msdn.com/magazine/0617magcode.

A Preconfigured Azure IoT Suite Solution Portal and the Remote Universal Windows Platform App, Which Acquires and Processes the Video Stream
Figure 1 A Preconfigured Azure IoT Suite Solution Portal and the Remote Universal Windows Platform App, Which Acquires and Processes the Video Stream

Remote Device

The basics of programming the Raspberry Pi with Windows 10 IoT Core was already discussed in this magazine by Frank LaVigne (msdn.com/magazine/mt694090) and Bruno Sonnino (msdn.com/magazine/mt808503). LaVigne and Sonnino showed how to set up the development environment and the IoT board, how to configure the IoT unit in your browser using the Device Portal, and how to control GPIO ports with Windows 10 IoT Core. Moreover, LaVigne mentioned in his article that IoT can be used to program and control remote cameras. Here, I develop this thought and explicitly show how to turn the Raspberry Pi into such a device.

To that end, I create the RemoteCamera Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app using the Blank App (Universal Windows) Visual C# project template, and then set the target and minimum API versions to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (10.0; Build 14393). I use this API version to enable binding to methods, which allows me to directly wire methods of the view model with events fired by visual controls:

<Button x:Name="ButtonPreviewStart"
        Content="Start preview"
        Click="{x:Bind remoteCameraViewModel.PreviewStart}" />

Next, I declare the UI as shown in Figure 1. There are two tabs: Camera capture and Cloud. The first contains controls for starting and stopping camera preview, displaying the video stream and presenting image brightness (a label and a progress bar). The second tab contains two buttons, which you can use to connect a device to the cloud and to register a device with the IoT portal. The Cloud tab also has a checkbox that lets you enable streaming telemetry data.

Most of the logic associated with the UI is implemented within the RemoteCameraViewModel class (see the ViewModels subfolder of the RemoteCamera project). This class, apart from implementing a few properties that are bound to the UI, handles the video acquisition, image processing and cloud interaction. Those sub-functionalities are implemented in separate classes: CameraCapture, ImageProcessor and CloudHelper, respectively. I’ll discuss CameraCapture and ImageProcessor shortly, while CloudHelper and related helper classes will be described later in the context of the preconfigured Azure IoT solution.

Camera Capture

Camera capture (see CameraCapture.cs under the Helpers folder) is built on top of two elements: Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture class and Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CaptureElement. The former is used to acquire video, while the latter displays the acquired video stream. I acquire video with a webcam, so I have to declare the corresponding device capability in the Package.appxmanifest.

To initialize the MediaCapture class, you invoke the InitializeAsync method. Eventually, you can pass to that method an instance of the MediaCaptureInitializationSettings class, which lets you specify capture options. You can choose between streaming video or audio and select the capture hardware. Here, I acquire only video from the default webcam (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Camera Capture Initialization

public MediaCapture { get; private set; } = new MediaCapture();
public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; } = false;
public async Task Initialize(CaptureElement captureElement)
  if (!IsInitialized)
    var settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings()
      StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.Video
      await MediaCapture.InitializeAsync(settings);
      captureElement.Source = MediaCapture;      IsInitialized = true;
    catch (Exception ex)
      IsInitialized = false;

Next, using the Source property of the CaptureElement class instance, I wire this object with the MediaCapture control to display video stream. I also invoke helper method GetVideoProperties, which reads and then stores the size of a video frame. I use this information later to get the preview frame for processing. Finally, to actually start and stop video acquisition, I invoke StartPreviewAsync and StopPreviewAsync of the MediaCapture class. In the CameraCapture I wrapped those methods with additional logic, verifying initialization and the preview state:

public async Task Start()
  if (IsInitialized)
    if (!IsPreviewActive)
      await MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync();
      IsPreviewActive = true;

When you run the app, you can press the Start preview button, which configures camera acquisition, and you’ll see the camera image after a short while. Note that the RemoteCamera app is universal, so it can be deployed without any changes to your development PC, a smartphone, a tablet or to the Raspberry Pi. If you test the RemoteCamera app with your Windows 10 PC, you need to ensure that apps are allowed to use your camera. You configure this setting with the Settings app (Privacy/Camera). To test the app with Raspberry Pi I use a low-budget Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000. This is a USB webcam, so it’s automatically detected by Windows 10 IoT Core after I connect it to one of the four Raspberry Pi USB ports. You’ll find a full list of cameras compatible with Windows 10 IoT Core at bit.ly/2p1ZHGD. Once you connect your webcam to the Rasbperry Pi, it will appear under the Devices tab of the Device Portal.

Image Processor

The ImageProcessor class calculates the brightness of the current frame in the background. To perform the background operation, I create a thread with the task-based asynchronous pattern, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Calculating Brightness in the Background

public event EventHandler<ImageProcessorEventArgs> ProcessingDone;
private void InitializeProcessingTask()
  processingCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
  processingTask = new Task(async () =>
    while (!processingCancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
      if (IsActive)
        var brightness = await GetBrightness();
        ProcessingDone(this, new ImageProcessorEventArgs(brightness));
  }, processingCancellationTokenSource.Token);

Within the while loop, I determine image brightness, and then pass this value to listeners of the ProcessingDone event. This event is fed with an instance of the ImageProcessorEventArgs class, which has only one public property, Brightness. The processing runs until the task receives a cancellation signal. The key element of the image processing is the GetBrightness method, shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 The GetBrightness Method

private async Task<byte> GetBrightness()
  var brightness = new byte();
  if (cameraCapture.IsPreviewActive)
    // Get current preview bitmap
    var previewBitmap = await cameraCapture.GetPreviewBitmap();
    // Get underlying pixel data
    var pixelBuffer = GetPixelBuffer(previewBitmap);
    // Process buffer to determine mean gray value (brightness)
    brightness = CalculateMeanGrayValue(pixelBuffer);
  return brightness;

I access the preview frame using GetPreviewBitmap of the CameraCapture class instance. Internally, GetPreviewBitmap uses GetPreviewFrameAsync of the MediaCapture class. There are two versions of GetPreviewFrameAsync. The first, a parameterless method, returns an instance of the VideoFrame class. In this case, you can get the actual pixel data by reading the Direct3DSurface property. The second version accepts an instance of the Video­Frame class and copies pixel data to its SoftwareBitmap property. Here, I use the second option (see the GetPreviewBitmap method of the CameraCapture class) and then access pixel data through the CopyToBuffer method of the SoftwareBitmap class instance shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Accessing Pixel Data

private byte[] GetPixelBuffer(SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap)
  // Ensure bitmap pixel format is Bgra8
  if (softwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat != CameraCapture.BitmapPixelFormat)
    SoftwareBitmap.Convert(softwareBitmap, CameraCapture.BitmapPixelFormat);
  // Lock underlying bitmap buffer
  var bitmapBuffer = softwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.Read);
  // Use plane description to determine bitmap height
  // and stride (the actual buffer width)
  var planeDescription = bitmapBuffer.GetPlaneDescription(0);
  var pixelBuffer = new byte[planeDescription.Height * planeDescription.Stride];
  // Copy pixel data to a buffer
  return pixelBuffer;

I first verify that the pixel format is BGRA8, which means the image is represented with four 8-bit channels: three for the blue, green, and red colors, and one for alpha or transparency. If the input bitmap has a different pixel format, I perform an appropriate conversion. Next, I copy pixel data to the byte array, whose size is determined by image height multiplied by image stride (bit.ly/2om8Ny9). I read both values from an instance of the BitmapPlaneDescription, which I obtain from the BitmapBuffer object, returned by SoftwareBitmap.LockBuffer method.

Given the byte array with pixel data, all I need to do is calculate the mean value of all the pixels. So, I iterate over the pixel buffer (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 Calculating the Mean Value of the Pixels

private byte CalculateMeanGrayValue(byte[] pixelBuffer)
  // Loop index increases by four since
  // there are four channels (blue, green, red and alpha).
  // Alpha is ignored for brightness calculation
  const int step = 4;
  double mean = 0.0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < pixelBuffer.Length; i += step)
    mean += GetGrayscaleValue(pixelBuffer, i);
  mean /= (pixelBuffer.Length / step);
  return Convert.ToByte(mean);

Then, at each iteration, I convert a given pixel to the gray scale by averaging values from each color channel:

private static byte GetGrayscaleValue(byte[] pixelBuffer, uint startIndex)
  var grayValue = (pixelBuffer[startIndex]
    + pixelBuffer[startIndex + 1]
    + pixelBuffer[startIndex + 2]) / 3.0;
  return Convert.ToByte(grayValue);

Brightness is passed to the view through the ProcessingDone event. This event is handled in the MainPage class (MainPage.xaml.cs), where I display brightness in the label and a progress bar. Both controls are bounded to the Brightness property of the RemoteCameraViewModel. Note that ProcessingDone is raised from the background thread. Hence, I modify the RemoteCameraViewModel.Brightness through the UI thread using Dispatcher class, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Modifying the RemoteCameraViewModel.Brightness Through the UI Thread Using the Dispatcher Class

private async void DisplayBrightness(byte brightness)
  if (Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
    remoteCameraViewModel.Brightness = brightness;
    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>

Provisioning the Remote Monitoring Solution

To provision a solution you can use a dedicated portal at azureiotsuite.com. After logging in and choosing your Azure subscription, you’ll be redirected to a page where you press the “Create a new solution” rectangle. This will open a Web site where you can choose one of two preconfigured solutions: predictive maintenance or remote monitoring (see Figure 8). After choosing the solution another form appears, which lets you set the solution name and region for Azure resources. Here, I set the solution name and region to RemoteCameraMonitoring and West US, respectively.

Azure IoT Suite Preconfigured Solutions (Top) and Remote Monitoring Solution Configuration (Bottom)
Figure 8 Azure IoT Suite Preconfigured Solutions (Top) and Remote Monitoring Solution Configuration (Bottom)

When you provision the remote monitoring solution, the Azure IoT Suite portal creates several Azure resources: IoT Hub, Stream Analytics jobs, Storage and the App Service. The IoT Hub provides bidirectional communication between the cloud and remote devices. Data streamed by remote devices is transformed by a Stream Analytics job, which typically filters out unnecessary data. Filtered data is stored or directed for further analysis. Finally, the App Service is used to host the Web portal.

Solution provisioning can also be done from the command line. To do so, you can clone or download the solution source code from bit.ly/2osI4RW, and then follow the instruction at bit.ly/2p7MPPc. You also have the option to deploy a solution locally, as shown at bit.ly/2nEePNi. In this case, no Azure App Service is created because the solution portal runs on a local machine. Such an approach can be particularly useful for development and debugging or when you want to modify a preconfigured solution.

Once the provisioning is finished, you can launch the solution, and its portal will appear in the default browser (refer back to Figure 1). This portal has a few tabs. For the purpose of this arti­cle, I’ll limit my attention to just two of them: dashboard and devices. Dashboard displays the map with remote devices and the telemetry data they stream. The Devices tab shows a list of remote devices, including their status, capabilities and a description. By default, there are several emulated devices. Let me explain how to register the new, non-emulated hardware.

Registering a Device

To register a device you use the solution portal, where you press the Add a device hyperlink located in the bottom-left corner. You can then choose between a simulated or a custom device. Pick the second option and press the Add New button. Now you can define the Device ID. I set this value to RemoteCamera. Afterward, the ADD A CUSTOM DEVICE form displays device credentials (see Figure 9), which I’ll use later to connect my IoT device to the IoT Hub.

Summary of Device Registration
Figure 9 Summary of Device Registration

Device Metadata and Communicating with the Cloud

The device you add will appear in the devices list, and you can then send device metadata or device information. Device information comprises a JSON object that describes the remote device. This object tells the cloud endpoint the capabilities of your device, and includes a hardware description and the list of remote commands accepted by your device. These commands can be sent by the end user to your device through the IoT solution portal. In the RemoteCamera app, device info is represented as the DeviceInfo class (in the AzureHelpers subfolder):

public class DeviceInfo
  public bool IsSimulatedDevice { get; set; }
  public string Version { get; set; }
  public string ObjectType { get; set; }
  public DeviceProperties DeviceProperties { get; set; }
  public Command[] Commands { get; set; }

The first two properties of DeviceInfo specify whether a device is simulated and define the version of the DeviceInfo object. As you’ll see later, the third property, ObjectType, is set to a string constant,  DeviceInfo. This string is used by the cloud, specifically by the Azure Stream Analytics job, to filter device info from telemetry data. Next, DeviceProperties (see the AzureHelpers subfolder) holds a collection of properties (like serial number, memory, platform, RAM) that describe your device. Finally, the Commands property is a collection of remote commands recognized by your device. You define each command by specifying its name and a list of parameters, which are represented by the Command and CommandParameter classes, respectively (see AzureHelpers\Command.cs).

To establish communication between your IoT device and the IoT Hub you use the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client NuGet package. This package provides the DeviceClient class, which you use to send and receive messages to and from the cloud. You can create an instance of the DeviceClient using either the Create or CreateFromConnectionString static methods. Here, I use the first option (CloudHelper.cs in the AzureHelpers folder):

public async Task Initialize()
  if (!IsInitialized)
    deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(
      Configuration.Hostname, Configuration.AuthenticationKey());
    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();
    IsInitialized = true;

As you can see, the DeviceClient.Create method requires you to provide the hostname of the IoT Hub and device credentials (the identifier and the key). You obtain these values from the solution portal during device provisioning (refer back to Figure 9). In the RemoteCamera app, I store the hostname, device id and the key within the Configuration static class:

public static class Configuration
  public static string Hostname { get; } = "<iot-hub-name>.azure-devices.net";
  public static string DeviceId { get; } = "RemoteCamera";
  public static string DeviceKey { get; } = "<your_key>";
  public static DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey AuthenticationKey()
    return new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(DeviceId, DeviceKey);

Additionally, the Configuration class implements a static method AuthenticationKey, which wraps device credentials into an instance of the DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey class. I use this to simplify creation of the DeviceClient class instance.

Once the connection is made, all you need to do is to send the DeviceInfo, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Sending Device Information

public async Task SendDeviceInfo()
  var deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo()
    IsSimulatedDevice = false,
    ObjectType = "DeviceInfo",
    Version = "1.0",
    DeviceProperties = new DeviceProperties(Configuration.DeviceId),
    // Commands collection
    Commands = new Command[]
  await SendMessage(deviceInfo);

The RemoteCamera app sends the device info, which describes the real hardware, so IsSimulatedDevice property is set to false. As I mentioned, ObjectType is set to DeviceInfo. Moreover, I set the Version property to 1.0. For DeviceProperties I use arbitrary values, which mostly consist of static strings (see the SetDefaultValues method of the DeviceProperties class). I also define one remote command, Update camera preview, which enables remote control of the camera preview. This command has one Boolean parameter, IsPreviewActive, which specifies whether the camera preview should be started or stopped (see the CommandHelper.cs file under AzureHelpers folder).

To actually send data to the cloud I implement the SendMessage method:

private async Task SendMessage(Object message)
  var serializedMessage = MessageHelper.Serialize(message);
  await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(serializedMessage);

Basically, you need to serialize your C# object to a byte array that contains JSON-formatted objects (see the MessageHelper static class from AzureHelpers subfolder):

public static Message Serialize(object obj)
  ArgumentCheck.IsNull(obj, "obj");
  var jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
  return new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonData));

Then you wrap the resulting array into the Message class, which you send to the cloud with the SendEventAsync method of the DeviceClient class instance. The Message class is the object, which supplements raw data (a JSON object being transferred) with additional properties. These properties are used to track messages being sent between devices and the IoT Hub.

In the RemoteCamera app, establishing a connection with the cloud and sending device info is triggered by two buttons located on the Cloud tab: Connect and initialize and Send device info. The click event handler of the first button is bound to the Connect method of the RemoteCameraViewModel:

public async Task Connect()
  await CloudHelper.Initialize();
  IsConnected = true;

The click event handler of the second button is wired with the SendDeviceInfo method of the CloudHelper class instance. This method was discussed earlier.

Once you connect to the cloud, you can also start sending telemetry data, much as you did when sending device information. That is, you can use the SendMessage method to which you pass a telemetry object. Here, this object, an instance of the Telemetry­Data class, has just a single property, Brightness. The following shows a complete example of sending telemetry data to the cloud, implemented within the SendBrightness method of the CloudHelper class:

public async void SendBrightness(byte brightness)
  if (IsInitialized)
    // Construct TelemetryData
    var telemetryData = new TelemetryData()
      Brightness = brightness
    // Serialize TelemetryData and send it to the cloud
    await SendMessage(telemetryData);

SendBrightness is invoked right after obtaining the brightness, calculated by the ImageProcessor. This is performed in the ProcessingDone event handler:

private void ImageProcessor_ProcessingDone(object sender, ImageProcessorEventArgs e)
  // Update display through dispatcher
  // Send telemetry
  if (remoteCameraViewModel.IsTelemetryActive)

So, if you now run the RemoteCamera app, start the preview and connect to the cloud, you’ll see that brightness values are displayed in the corresponding chart, as shown back in Figure 1. Note that, although simulated devices of the preconfigured solution are dedicated to sending temperature and humidity as telemetry data, you can also send other values. Here, I’m sending brightness, which is automatically displayed in the appropriate chart.

Handling Remote Commands

The CloudHelper class also implements methods for handling remote commands received from the cloud. Similarly, as with the case of ImageProcessor, I handle commands in the background (BeginRemoteCommandHandling of the CloudHelper class). Again, I use the task-based asynchronous pattern:

private void BeginRemoteCommandHandling()
  Task.Run(async () =>
    while (true)
      var message = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync();
      if (message != null)
        await HandleIncomingMessage(message);

This method is responsible for creating a task that continuously analyzes messages received from the cloud endpoint. To receive a remote message, you invoke the ReceiveAsync method of the DeviceClient class. ReceiveAsync returns an instance of the Message class, which you use to obtain a raw byte array containing JSON-formatted remote command data. You then deserialize this array to the RemoteCommand object (see RemoteCommand.cs in the AzureHelpers folder), which is implemented in the MessageHelper class (the AzureHelpers subfolder):

public static RemoteCommand Deserialize(Message message)
  ArgumentCheck.IsNull(message, "message");
  var jsonData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.GetBytes());
  return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RemoteCommand>(

RemoteCommand has several properties, but you typically use just two: name and parameters, which contain the command name and command parameters. In the RemoteCamera app, I use these values to determine if an expected command was received (see Figure 11). If so, I raise the UpdateCameraPreviewCommandReceived event to pass that information to listeners, then I inform the cloud that the command was accepted using the CompleteAsync method of the DeviceClient class. If the command isn’t recognized, I reject it using the RejectAsync method.

Figure 11 Remote Messages Deserialization and Parsing

private async Task HandleIncomingMessage(Message message)
    // Deserialize message to remote command
    var remoteCommand = MessageHelper.Deserialize(message);
    // Parse command
    // Send confirmation to the cloud
    await deviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
  catch (Exception ex)
    // Reject message, if it was not parsed correctly
    await deviceClient.RejectAsync(message);
private void ParseCommand(RemoteCommand remoteCommand)
  // Verify remote command name
  if (string.Compare(remoteCommand.Name,
    CommandHelper.CameraPreviewCommandName) == 0)
    // Raise an event, when the valid command was received
      new UpdateCameraPreviewCommandEventArgs(

The UpdateCameraPreviewCommandReceived event is handled in the MainPage class. Depending on the parameter value I obtain from the remote command, I either stop or start the local camera preview. This operation is again dispatched to the UI thread, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Updating the Camera Preview

private async void CloudHelper_UpdateCameraPreviewCommandReceived(
  object sender, UpdateCameraPreviewCommandEventArgs e)
  if (Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
    if (e.IsPreviewActive)
      await remoteCameraViewModel.PreviewStart();
      await remoteCameraViewModel.PreviewStop();
    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
      CloudHelper_UpdateCameraPreviewCommandReceived(sender, e);

Sending Commands from the Cloud

Finally, I show that the solution portal can be used to remotely control your IoT device. For this, you use the Devices tab, where you need to find and then click your device (see Figure 13).

The IoT Portal Devices Tab Showing RemoteCamera Details
Figure 13 The IoT Portal Devices Tab Showing RemoteCamera Details

This activates a device details pane, where you click the Commands hyperlink. You’ll then see another form that allows you to choose and send a remote command. The particular layout of this form depends on the command you choose. Here, I have only one single-parameter command, so there’s only one checkbox. If you clear this checkbox, and send the command, RemoteCamera app will stop the preview. All commands you send, along with their status, appear in the command history, as shown in Figure 14.

A Form for Sending Remote Commands to the IoT Device
Figure 14 A Form for Sending Remote Commands to the IoT Device

Wrapping Up

I showed how to set up the preconfigured remote monitoring Azure IoT Suite solution. This solution collects and displays information about images acquired with the webcam attached to the remote device, and also lets you remotely control the IoT device. The companion source code can run on any UWP device, so you don’t actually need to deploy it to the Raspberry Pi. This article, along with the online documentation for the remote monitoring solution and its source code, will help you to jump-start comprehensive IoT development for practical remote monitoring. As you see, with Windows 10 IoT Core, you can go far beyond simple LED blinking.

Dawid Borycki is a software engineer and biomedical researcher, author and conference speaker. He enjoys learning new technologies for software experimenting and prototyping.

Thanks to the following Microsoft technical expert for reviewing this article: Rachel Appel

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